Peacock Multicolor

Peacock Multicolor or Rajah Multicolor slate or Kund Multicolor is a slate that is unique in its coloring to the vibrant colors of Peacock feathers. Peacock Multicolor OR Rajah Multicolor slate is a slate with a purple/grey base color with varying amounts of red, black, orange, or green oxidation on its surface.

The Peacock color is a symbol of integrity and purity and is associated with the Hindu deity Lakshmi representing benevolence, patience, kindness, compassion and good luck. Peacock Multicolor or Rajah Multicolor Slate, Honed tile shows a more sub-dued color palette than natural Rajah tile. It has less color variation and will typically be varying shades dark-grey/purple, some with red clouding; or an army green.

This is a medium-density slate and, while it is not suitable for exterior applications medium to heavy traffic applications however, it excels in any interior application & low traffic exterior applications.



Classification Slate
Quarry Deposit Layered
Quarry Excavation Hand Split Layers
Chisel Splitting Possible
Gang Saw Sawing Not Possible
Offered In Tiles, Slabs, Cut to size pavements, Flags
Both Faces Natural One Face Natural & One Face Calli-
One Face Calli-
berated & One Face Honed
Standared Dimensions Only in Higher Thickness
Tailor-Made Specifications Possible
Carved Articles Not Possible
Recommended Applications Interiors and Exteriors
Suitability Medium to Low Traffic
Consistency Multicolour
Fragility Sound
Delivery 2 to 3 weeks

Technical Specification for Peacock Multicolor

Technical Information Value ASTM/ INDIAN Standards
Water absorption, % by weight 3.01 C-97
Density (Bulk specific gravity) 2.65 C-97
Modulus of rupture, N/ mm2 Dry – 27
Wet – 15
Compressive Strength N/ mm2 Dry – 117
Wet – 100